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2nd May 2023
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The Power of Insights Discovery

2nd May 2023

I am a fan of psychometric assessment tools.

I'm also a fan of trying to be the best version of myself. Every. Single. Day.

I believe that I can improve myself if I know my own strengths and weaknesses, if I understand my blind spots, if I invest time in understanding why I behave in a certain way at a certain time and if I can sense a potentially negative reaction manifesting itself within my brain, I can get myself back on track because I recognise the pattern developing.

It's powerful stuff.

It's even more powerful if your team or better still, your whole organisation understand it too.

One of the best decisions I have made during lockdown was to ask Andy Gallimore to run a ZOOM based Insights Light session for every single member of the Macildowie team. We called the session "You Time". It was designed as an opportunity for everyone in the business, 4 weeks into Lockdown, to really think about their own personality, how they respond to different situations and how they want to be perceived by others. The second significant aim was to give the team a chance to consider those people they were living with in this unprecedented time, to think about their personalities and how communication with loved one's could be more effective.

That session was a huge success and the feedback received on the Macildowie Whatsapp Channel was incredibly positive.

In fact, the session was so successful that it inspired me to 1) write a blog about the Furloughee Value Proposition and 2) to develop this session for our clients.

We have now developed a version of this session to take to the market and it is ready for you to buy. Please click on the video above to gain more insight into the offering, and if you are keen to find out more, please fill out the form below and tick the appropriate box for Insights Light.