Current Temp Advice

Get Expert Advice on Your Temporary Role with Macildowie

How can our temp advice services help you?
We want you to tell us when your assignment ends so our consultants can get you a new role ready for that date.
Our experienced team can help you bridge the gap between permanent roles.
We’ll speak to clients weeks in advance so your next temp role is one that you love.
Our timesheet approval system is an online portal so it couldn’t be easier for you to submit.
We’ll automatically enrol you into Now Pensions, so you're earning money for your pension as quickly as possible.

Overcome Uncertainty and Instability with Macildowie
We realise that during temporary roles there can be a lot of instability and uncertainty. At Macildowie, the aim of our advice is to eliminate that; we’ll talk to clients weeks in advance so you’ve got your next role lined up, and you’ll be automatically enrolled into our pension scheme so you can start building on your future straight away.
We understand that at times, it can feel that as a temporary member of staff, you aren’t getting the specialist care and help that you deserve, that’s why at Macildowie we have a dedicated accounts and payroll department just for our temporary and interim candidates, so we get it right for you when it really matters.

Get the Most Out of Your Temp Role with Macidowie

Line Up Your Next Assignment

Submitting Timesheets
We offer a reliable and committed recruitment service to our candidates. Our consultants are experts in all things temp and interim, including pay and holidays and can advise on how to gain experience and skills across different sectors. Our dedicated payroll team ensures you get paid correctly every time and our online timesheet portal makes submitting timesheets hassle-free.
Payments for temp staff are sent out by payroll every Wednesday and clear bank accounts on Fridays. With Macildowie, you can trust our recruitment consultants to make perfect hiring matches and ensure a smooth transition between roles.

Qualifying Pension Scheme